Cemetery Headstone Guide: Everything You Need To Know

Funerals are a time to reflect on the lives of those we have lost. They’re also a time for reflection on our mortality. One way to commemorate the life and death of a loved one is with a headstone at a cemetery.

Headstones serve as monuments that give honor to those who have passed. But what type of headstone should you get? What should it say? How much does it cost?

We’ll answer these questions and more in this guide on all things headstones!

What Does A Headstone Do?

Headstones are primarily a memorial for those who have passed. In essence, they are monuments to the life of the person interred in the ground. Headstones also serve as symbols of loved ones and remind us of their lives now that they’ve passed away.

The Different Types Of Headstones

There are different types of cemetery headstone, but they can be categorized into two categories. The first type is the most popular form: flat markers. Flat markers serve as a place to commemorate your loved one with a small plaque or marker.

The second type is a more traditional headstone where you’ll often see upright monuments in cemeteries. These are usually made of stone or metal and may have engraved on the front or sides.

How Much Does It Cost?

Four factors determine how much a headstone costs:

  • Size of the stone
  • Location of the cemetery
  • Type of stone/material used for the headstone
  • Engraving or other personalization

Size and location are fairly self-explanatory, but let’s break down each type of stone and what it means for pricing:

Cemetery Headstones: These stones are typically made from high-quality materials, so they will be more expensive than a typical memorial plaque.

Granite: Granite is one of the most popular types of stones because it has such a classic look to it. It also happens to be one of the most affordable types too!

Marble: Marble is another durable stone type. It’s also versatile in its design and can range in different colors across its spectrum. You may need to contact individual cemeteries about the pricing though as this type varies by region.

What Should It Say?

Headstones are more than just a memorial to the deceased. They provide an opportunity to share the love and memories of the loved one we have lost. The best way to do this is by choosing words that represent their life and personality.

For example, if your loved one was a loving mother, you can include the phrase “loving mother” on the headstone, or if they were a poet, you could include “poet” on it. You can also include phrases from their favorite poem or any other words that capture who they were in life.

The following are some of these words you should include:

  • Loving father
  • Cherished wife
  • Devoted mother
  • Poet
  • Artist
  • Beloved son
  • Wise teacher
  • Great chef

Where To Put It?

The most important question you’ll have to ask is where you should place a headstone. Should it be for yourself? Your spouse? Your child? In most cases, the answer will be your gravesite. Once you decide on a plot, then you can determine the size of the headstone and what it will say.

Frederick Sullivan

Hannah Sullivan: As a seasoned journalist, Hannah's blog provides hard-hitting analysis and in-depth reporting on major crime stories. Her thorough coverage and fearless reporting make her a trusted voice in the field.