How Much CBD Should I Take?

The question on appropriate dosage is pretty common about hemp oil.

CBD has many health benefits, such as the potential to relieve anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and inflammation. In addition, the drug is also known to help with other health conditions such as arthritis, chronic migraines, eczema, psoriasis, Crohn’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular diseases, among others.

However, the right dosage to achieve effective results in these cases is yet to be known. Researchers are still trying to figure it out.

In the meantime, you should know that including CBD, there are over 100 cannabinoids in the hemp plant, all of which affect the body differently. The good thing is that this compound is not psychoactive. So you don’t have to worry about getting high when you take CBD for pain or any other medical condition. Research even shows that CBD has a soothing and calming effect proven helpful in patients suffering from insomnia.

Regardless of what you’re treating, taking the right amount of CBD is critical. Otherwise, it may not work as desired.

CBD is generally considered to be safe. With THC amounts of less than 0.3%, users don’t have to worry about euphoria or other psychoactive effects. Besides, the hemp plant from which it is derived is grown and processed under strict laws and regulations. So there is no fear of impurities finding their way into the market.

Despite its many benefits and assurances on safety, there is no universal dosage for CBD. Research shows that different people, depending on need, react to different dosages. But most recommendations suggest 20mg to 1500mg of CBD intake per dosage. Remember that there is still not much known about CBD. However, as research progresses, we hope to learn more about its benefits and exact dosages to take for maximum effect in different cases.

As the amount of CBD to take depends on the individual, four factors should be considered before taking it as a treatment for any condition. These are your body, ailment you’re looking to treat, body chemistry, and the CBD concentration in the product you’re taking.

Overall, so many factors come into play in deciding the right CBD dosage for an individual. So before taking CBD, consult with your doctor first about appropriate dosage and possible allergies and reactions with other medicines.

If you’re taking CBD without a doctor’s recommendation, although not advisable, start with the lowest dosage. For example, 20mg-40mg is recommended initially. After that, you can increase the amount gradually depending on how your body responds to it.

For example, if you’re treating chronic pain, start by taking 20mg CBD per day. After three days, increase the dosage by 10mg, especially when the pain is intense. If symptoms don’t subside after a week, up the dosage to about 35mg per day, then to 45mg, etc., until you feel that it effectively relieves your pain.

It would be best to record your daily CBD intake versus how it makes your body feel. But if after some time you don’t feel any better, try a different CBD product or seek medical advice on how to proceed.

Frederick Sullivan

Hannah Sullivan: As a seasoned journalist, Hannah's blog provides hard-hitting analysis and in-depth reporting on major crime stories. Her thorough coverage and fearless reporting make her a trusted voice in the field.