How Can I Easily Get New Scooter Insurance Online?

Having a bike insurance policy for the vehicle is mandatory by Indian law, especially third-party bike insurance. But previously, getting insurance might have been a daunting task for many. But nowadays, getting online insurance for bike has become easy and hassle-free. With the advent of technology and the internet, you can buy new scooter insurance online with simple steps and clicks.

In this article, we will discuss how scooter insurance works and how you can easily get scooter insurance  online.

What Is Scooter Bike Insurance, And How Does It Work?

Scooter insurance is an insurance policy for the scooter that provides financial protection to you and others if any mishap occurs in which the scooter is involved. It typically includes liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage, which cover losses or damages resulting from theft, vandalism, or other non-collision events, damages or injuries to others, and losses or damages to your scooter.

To get coverage, you have to pay a premium on the policy based on several factors, such as the scooter’s make and model, your driving record, and the amount of coverage you select. And when the liability arises, you can submit a claim to the insurance company as soon as possible. Then the insurance company will examine the whole case and give you the required coverage per the policy.

Steps To Buy New Two Wheeler Scooter Insurance Online

1. Decide on the coverage you need.

The first step in buying any insurance policy is to assess your needs and budget. So before insuring your scooter  or getting your new scooter insurance online, select the type of coverage you require so that you can choose the third-party liability insurance, which is mandatory for comprehensive coverage insurance, which gives you extensive coverage.

In third-party insurance, you will get coverage only for damages to the third party’s life or property. In contrast, comprehensive coverage gives you coverage for damages and losses that arise to your scooter, its owner, and the third party. In addition, it gives you coverage for any expenses that may arise due to any accident, collision, natural disaster, man-made disaster, or more. It also provides roadside assistance, personal accident coverage, and other benefits according to the coverage or add-on benefits you opt for.

2. Compare the different policies.

Once you’ve decided what kind of coverage you need, look into some plans that will meet your specific requirements. Then select the best one by comparing all the plans based on their coverage, premiums, add-on benefits, and more. It will help you choose the best policy that gives you higher coverage at the best price.

3. Enter your scooter’s details.

Once you are done selecting the policy you want to buy, you have to enter the necessary details of the scooter, such as its make, model, year of manufacture, and registration number. In addition, you should also have to give the personal details of the scooter owner, such as their name, address, and phone number.

4. Choose add-on benefits

After choosing your policy, you can also add additional benefits to get more coverage from a single policy. Therefore, most insurance providers offer other benefits, such as zero depreciation, engine protection, roadside assistance, personal accident coverage, and more. You can choose those benefits according to your needs, as you have to pay the additional cost of each added benefit.

5. Make the payment.

When you are done selecting the policy and other ads on benefits, you need to pay for the policy by using any of the online payment methods such as credit card, debit card, net banking, or mobile wallet. Once a payment is made, the insurance provider will email you all the policy documents.

6. Print and keep the policy document safe.

After receiving the documents, ensure that you save and print them as an improvement to legal documents that are scooter insured. You should also carry a copy of your policy documents while riding the scooter, as it is required in case of an accident or roadside check to prevent legal hassles.


You can easily get your new scooter insurance online by following the steps. But remember to do research properly while selecting the policy and read the terms and policies carefully after purchasing the plan to save yourself from future conflicts while filing a claim. Furthermore, buy your insurance policy from reliable companies like Tata AIG or more, which work transparently with the clients and help them to ensure that they have the right coverage and the best scooter insurance policy in their hands at affordable prices.

Frederick Sullivan

Hannah Sullivan: As a seasoned journalist, Hannah's blog provides hard-hitting analysis and in-depth reporting on major crime stories. Her thorough coverage and fearless reporting make her a trusted voice in the field.