Best Doctor For Vertigo: What To Look For In A Great Neurosurgeon

Vertigo can be a scary condition. It can also be a mysterious one. If you have vertigo, then you know exactly what it feels like: Constant spinning and whirling in your head that makes everything seem off center and unstable. It’s uncomfortable and disorienting, but not dangerous.

Still, there’s no denying that vertigo has an unsettling effect on sufferers, especially those who feel like they’re going crazy from its constant tickling, dizzying sensations. For those who are curious about what makes vertigo such a bothersome condition for some people, read on for more information.

What Is Vertigo?


Vertigo is a symptom of dizziness. It occurs when the balance system in your inner ear gets unbalanced and signals to your brain that you are moving when you are not. This can cause dizziness, spinning, and/or nausea. To get dizzy, the ear has to detect movement. When you are in a car, you are moving and the ear detects this movement and signals the brain that the person is moving.

Vertigo Treatment Options


– Antibiotics: The bacterial infection that causes vertigo is usually treated with antibiotics. This usually results in complete resolution of vertigo.

– Surgery: If the cause of vertigo is a traumatic brain injury, surgery to remove part of the inner ear or to remove part of the brain may be an option.

– Other Treatment Options for Vertigo: Several natural treatments have been reported to help treat vertigo. Many of them are off-label and therefore not FDA-approved, but you should discuss them with your doctor.

Finding A Good Vertigo Doctor


To find the best doctor for vertigo, it’s important to find someone who has experience treating this condition. Finding a good doctor is a lot easier today than it used to be thanks to online medical resources. You can also ask your friends, family, or coworkers for suggestions. If you have to travel a long way to see a doctor, make sure the trip is worth it.

Vertigo And Neurosurgery


Neurosurgery is the treatment of any kind of brain injury. If vertigo is caused by a brain injury, then you may be a good candidate for surgery. Possible surgeries include a shunt placed into the brain to reduce the activity of the nerve that is causing vertigo, a craniotomy (incision into the skull) to remove a piece of the brain that is causing vertigo, and a vestibular nerve section to stop the dizziness.

Vertigo Surgery FAQs


– Is the surgery quick or do I need to be put to sleep? The surgery is usually quick and the anesthesia is usually brief. You will feel like you are dreaming when you wake up.

– How long will I need to stay in the hospital after surgery? There is no set time you should stay in the hospital after surgery; it’s best to follow your doctor’s directions.

– Some surgeons will leave a scar from the surgery, but most do not. The only way to tell if the surgeon left a scar is to ask the neurosurgeon about it when you meet with them for your first follow-up appointment.

– Will I need physical therapy after surgery? Vertigo surgery does not require physical therapy.

– If you have vertigo from an inner ear problem, you should wait three months before driving in an emergency.

– What are the risks and benefits of surgery? The risks of neurosurgery include potential problems with anesthesia, bleeding during or after surgery, infection, or injury to the spinal cord.

Frederick Sullivan

Hannah Sullivan: As a seasoned journalist, Hannah's blog provides hard-hitting analysis and in-depth reporting on major crime stories. Her thorough coverage and fearless reporting make her a trusted voice in the field.