Matthew Davies Examines Ways to Stage Your Home to Sell Faster


Before you sell anything, you need to bring it up to its best condition with frugal means so that you can get a good price for it. Matthew Davies believes that homes are long term investments and should be staged in the best possible way to impress your buyers and sell off your property as quickly as possible. Here’s how you need to stage your home to achieve that:

The Ways

  1. Get rid of the clutter – A major problem with unwanted clutter is that it can distract your buyers from the property itself. Your home’s features may get overshadowed by some extra furniture, storage boxes, and other such things. Moreover, it also rings off a small alarm bell in your buyer’s mind since they may think that your home may lack storage space. Get rid of your clutter so that you can highlight your home’s best features to potential buyers. However, don’t shove everything into the closet since buyers often like to have a look into your closet space.
  1. Keep it sparkling clean – People who may buy your home are also forwarded to get a few new appliances with the deal. There’s no need to worry if you can’t afford to buy new appliances. Just get rid of any filth from the ones you have. Make them clean and spotless for pleasing aesthetics. No one wants to see stains, spots, and grease in their new appliances or on any of the floors, walls, or ceilings of their new home. The same applies to your bathroom. This part of your home really needs to sparkle from corner to corner. Your buyer makes most of his opinion about your home’s cleanliness by looking at this place. 
  1. Clean up the canvas – Homes are places for people to raise their kids, spend their time, and create cherished memories. If they can’t envision themselves in your home, they aren’t going to be inclined to buy it off of you. You need to remove family photos, items that have special significance to you, and things that have names of your family members. Remove toys and other items as well that give out information on the home’s current inhabitants and personal information. 
  1. Painting and Flooring – You bought your wallpaper with a certain decor theme. Your potential buyer most probably has something else in mind. You need to tear it all down and paint all the walls. Try to avoid a custom theme here as well and go with white or another neutral solid color. This helps buyers envision your home in their theme. The same holds true for the flooring. Greasy and stained carpets add additional costs in the buyer’s mind. Hardwood flooring may be expensive but come with low maintenance that may help the buyer to make a quick decision and raise your price. 


Matthew Davies believes that you should take all the steps mentioned above before you start advertising your house and contact real estate agents. A quick sale and a higher price always help you with the extra cash and saves the time that you can dedicate to other projects.